
Estás en: Inicio | Awards


1.- First prize.

The winning draft of the contest will receive NINETY THOUSAND (90,000) EUROS plus VAT, as a prize, on account of the fees derived from the commission of the Basic and Execution Project, as well as the subsequent Works Management.

The fees will be determined according to the estimated Budget that appears in the Budget Annex and in accordance with the coefficients established in said Annex.

2.- Other prizes and second prizes.

The winner of the second prize will receive the amount of SIXTY THOUSAND (60,000) EUROS plus VAT.

The third prize winner will receive the amount of FORTY THOUSAND (40,000) EUROS plus VAT.

The winners of the two second prizes will receive the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15,000) EUROS plus VAT each.

3.- Mentions.

The jury may award the mentions it deems appropriate, without economic consignment.